Robert Walker

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Sheffield, UK based software engineer specialising in Windows desktop applications and web development with experience in both front and back end technologies.

Professional experience

Current Core Skills:
  • PHP
    • Laravel and Livewire
  • Node
    • Frontend Technologies
      • HTML / CSS / SCSS / Tailwind
      • Javascript
      • React
    • Database Technologies
      • MySQL / SQL
    Other Industry experience:
    • C# (WPF and Winform)
    • Android development
    • Python
      • Django
    • Other
      • Hardware integration


    reach. -
    June 2023 - January 2024
    Senior Developer

    Primarily employed as PHP Developer I worked on a number of projects using the Tall (Tailwind, Alpine.js, Laravel, and Livewire) stack. Working closely with clients, I helped both to build projects from their start; as well as sustaining ongoing development and maintenance of projects that were already deployed. Where possible I have also helped fellow developers working in the other disciplines that the company offered, such as moblie development aiding with flutter projects.

    Another part of my role as a Senior Developer was to support, train and further educate the company's apprentices, with focus on helping them to develop their skills and understanding of core programming concepts.

    GWD -
    June 2021 - January 2023
    Software Engineer

    GWD prides its self on helping socially-minded organisations and charities transition to digital systems. While with GWD I worked on the company's main two products the "Donation Station" a contactless fundraising system and the "Discovery Station" a self-service library kiosk. Both applications were writen in react and packaged with NW.js for Windows desktop.

    The other aspect of GWD platform is the "Device Service", a C# service that creates api endpoints alowing the web applications to interact with different hardware devices installed on the kiosk. For this I implemented a new card payment systems, as well as improvingthe performance of cash acceptors, rfid tag readers and barcode readers.

    Pryor Marking Technology -
    June 2013 - June 2021
    Software Engineer

    During my time with Pryors I worked on a wide range of projects. My main task was to develop a Windows desktop application "Traceable-IT", a complex marking and traceability package written in C# and VB. I was responsible for the implementing of new core features, integrating new hardware such as ABB Robots , RFID readers and Cognex vision systems. I also worked closely with clients such as Rolls Royce and Jaguar Land Rover to create custom modules and bespoke soltions. For the last two years with the company I headed development of the next generation of traceability software for distribution in the Us.

    Due to my enthusiasm for exploring different technologies I was often given any project that fell outside the standard skill set of the team. This led to me developing an number of Android application including a government contract to help prevent metal theft, an RFID tag reading application that runs on Windows pocket PCs for JLR and building a "Pick-To-Light" system using Arduinos and neo pixel LEDs to aid in the assembly of machines.

    June 2011 - September 2012
    Managing Director

    During our placement year at Sheffield Hallam, a friend and I took advantage of the university's enterprise scheme and started our own company. IOAIS was a web design and software development company we ran for 15 months where we sourced and maintained contact with a small number of clients, as well working on a range of internal projects.

    Apart from improving my design and development skills, I also learnt a significant amount about running a business learning from both our successes and our failures. We became versed in; finding and managing clients, gathering specifications, managing expectations and the general client communication. These are skills I've been able to apply directly in my later career. I've also been able to share the business knowledge that I gained with a number of friends who have gone onto set up their own businesses or go self-employed.


    Sheffield Hallam University- BSc (Hons) Software Engineering
    Peterborough Regional College - BTEC in Software Development